Tuesday, October 20, 2009


At what age should a girl get her first pair of heels? Kate is begging and pouting. We took the kids shoe shopping last night and Kate no longer fits into children size shoes. Her feet (6 1/2) are almost as big as mine.

She's 10 1/2, she hasn't asked to get her ears pierced. She quit asking for a cell phone. She doesn't want to wear a bikini. So do I give on the heels? She has actually conceded to wedges. So we won't be going for the four inchers pictured above. But still I am reluctant to start on this journey.

What do you think?


Las Vegas Hulet Family said...

I love heels. Always have, always will. I think I got my first pair on accident. I was probably 12 and my great aunt Ruth, who was an amazing hoarder, passed away. We got to clean out her house (another story) and came by so many shoes and treasures. They were a fairly low heel and in a cream color. Looking back I am mortified that my mother let me wear them. I remember being so proud of them and feeling so grown up. Now looking back I realize that the "looks" I was getting was that of amusement, not of adoration. I wish my mother would have had the sense and style enough to take me out shopping and buy me an age appropriate pair of cute heels. I am not even 5'1" and every bit of lift helps. I am all for the heels, especially if it is age appropriate, which includes not too much height. If shoes help her feel pretty, then help her feel pretty. I agree with your sentiments on the other things...you have to pick your battles and lets not let shoes be one of them:)

Brittney said...

yes, do it... she would look great in heels!!!!

Chelsea said...

I just about died a couple of weeks ago when she put my red satin heels on. She is looking entirely too grown up! She also looked pretty funny trying to walk around in them, sort of like a baby giraffe. I think it would be ok to get her a pair of low heels. But she's starting the love of heels pretty early, sorry!
What does Matt say?

Jack Attack said...

just a sign that your baby girl is growing up. I think wedges are fine, and a shoe with a little kitten heel isn't bad. I was (and still am) a klutz and anything that increased my chance of injury, including heels) was not good. like rachelle said, pick your battles.

p.s. is she shaving her legs yet? b/c hairy legs with heels would look kind-of funny...and is another battle to fight.

noelle said...

kate wearing heels is almost too much for me to bear. but, she is a good girl and she just wants to look pretty - so i would concede to some two inchers at the most...plus, she is going to need to get used to walking in them and had a vision of her breaking her ankle when i started reading your post.

Marci and Morgan said...

I say she's a little young. My mom got me my first heels at 12- of course there was NOTHING conservative about them- you know my mom, she's always had a love of shoes. I just think kids should be kids as long as they can. She will be beautiful either way- and I don't envy you your battles, so you'll have you use your best judgement- and you have plenty of that!

Erin said...

I am so glad I have a 10 yr old boy and not a girl! Our biggest fashion battle is if it's okay to wear all navy blue and look like a smurf. I don't envy you but really, once you have adult size feet it's hard to find much that looks little girlish. Maybe some shorter heels would work. I love the wedges too.

Anonymous said...

I actually don't remember my first pair of heels. Probably because by the time I was old enough to wear real ones my boyfriend was under 6 feet tall:) Oh, the problems of teenagerhood! Let's see Elena still has 5 more years until she is Kate's age... Amber, make sure you do everything right and then write a book about it for those of us that will need it in the future.

Us5McEuens said...

As a kid I always wanted those plastic princess heels from Kmart. My mom never let me get them.
My Grandma had a pair of "real" heels (with the toys) that I would wear all over her house when I would visit.
I was Kate's age when I got my first pair of heels. They were a black suede with a cute black bow on top. The heels couldn't have been more then 2 inches. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.

lori said...

I totally remember trying to fit into Jenns sandals that had heels bc i was dying to be grown up. Now i have to wear heels bc i am like 4 ft tall. Buy her some of the wedge shoes. I think those are cute. But if she asks to wear lipstick too, say no! That is too grown up!

Debbie said...

I agree, "choose your battles". She sounds like a good girl and givng in on wedges under 2" isn't bad. You can always use it against her later when she wants something else! Just limit where she can wear them, church ok, school probably not. Better that than short skirts!