Thursday, November 12, 2009

Will: 14 Weeks

Will likes: watching his siblings, the swing, the bumbo

Will loves: standing up and balancing while holding onto someone's hands, being swaddled, his monkey mobile, being talked to.

I love: that he smiles when I get him out of his bed, the high pitched squeak he makes when he wants to be wrapped up and go to sleep, the baby noises he makes when I talk to him, that he is almost always content, his solid little body and chubby cheeks.


noelle said...

he is so so so delicious. i'm so happy you guys are coming up here soon. he can balance using my hands all he wants.

Bridget said...

He is SO adorable. Can't wait for Claire to meet him! :) Yay for cousins!

Debbie said...

He is adorable! One of the cutest babies ever made! Please come to Grandma's so I can snuggle him. PLEASE