Monday, May 12, 2008

Rock Star

About a week ago they had Rock Star day for Kate's third grade class. I was at work the night before and Matt helped her pick out her costume. She wanted to look something like Gwen Stefani (I didn't realize she knew who she was).  She proudly came into my room with her costume on before school and had me do her hair.  

She is religious about dressing up for every school thing that she can. Crazy hair day is one of her favorites.  And pajama day.  She doesn't care if there is one other kid dressed up for the day. I wouldn't have been caught dead in an outfit like this as a kid, or now for that matter. But Kate loves it and could care less what other people think about it.  I am glad that she is so sure of herself.  Hopefully that will continue as we approach her teenage years.


Bridget said...

That's awesome. I was like that when I was in elementary school too. Every dress up day was SO exciting. I always wanted to be the most dressed up and often I was one of the only ones. On backwards day most kids wore their shirts backward. I wore EVERYTHING backward AND inside out. A hat , sunglasses on the back of my head, my dress, my socks, I even tried to figure out how to wear my shoes backward (I wasn't able to). Let me tell you I was shocked when I got to middle school and it just wasn't cool to like doing things like that.

noelle said...

she looks JUST like gwen stefani. so cute.

ChellaJ [Rachelle] said...

That is so good she doesn't care what other people think. Too many people do! She really is a lil' rock star, so cute.

Rosie Posie said...

That is one confident little lady. YOu should be proud.