Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Smoke Detectors....

Why do the batteries always die in the dead of the night...and why do they have to make that piercing noise over and over again? 

And why is it that our dog who isn't afraid of much, has to jump on our bed, refuses to get off and lays next to me shaking while Matt tries to shut the stupid thing up. 


Marci and Morgan said...

Yes, right before Porter was born, we endured 3 mights of this was weird because we replaced all the batteries after the first time, and still they insisted on waking us up- heart attack style. Needless to say, we removed them and let them die an excruciatingly slow death in the garage...

Unknown said...

Amber, aawwee....your dog looks like mine! Sorry, I have been stalking around some blogs this afternoon! Your welcome to peek at mine...
Glad to hear that all is well for the newest Teeple member to be born.