We had a great Halloween weekend. We started it in St. George on Saturday night with trick or treating with all the grandkids on my side of the family. The little girls, Maggie, Anna, Paige, Juliette, Claire and Kate were mermaids, (compliments of Chelsea's superb sewing skills) Parker was the headless horseman, Cami was a butterfly and Andrew was a pirate (but if you ask Paige, he was her Prince Eric). The baby boy's were lobsters. Jen's neighborhood is like a movie set when it comes to Halloween. One street was blocked off, their was kettle corn being freshly popped, complimentary water bottles, fresh donuts and the houses were decorated fantastically. It was a lot of fun. Kate and Parker went off on their own with cousins and the rest of us trick or treated with the littler ones. Three year olds are the perfect age for trick or treating. They love it, but they don't mind if they don't stay out for hours. It's great. The three little mermaids were funny with each other. Pretending they were under the sea. And having conversations about their sea friend, Fish and Chips. Hilarious. William understood the concept of trick or treating pretty soon after we started. He was in his stroller the entire time, but Matt would take him up to the door, the person would give him candy and he would promptly dig it out of his bucket. He had a sucker in his mouth the entire night.
On Halloween night we went to Melinda and Peter's for dinner and trick or treating in a neighborhood near their house. Our weekend was busy, but lots of fun for the kids.
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