Monday, February 23, 2009

I Think We Did It - Warning: potty talk

I am a lucky mom. For all three children I have dreaded potty training and so far (cross my fingers) it has always been a cinch. Lucky, I know. Kate potty trained herself at 2 1/2 (really, I hardly had anything to do with it). She had a total of 1 wet accident in the first two weeks of training. I waited a bit longer with Parker, he was just over three and we only had to throw one pair of underwear away. I don't do the nasty rinse them out in the toilet thing and then wash them. Gross. And I figure if I waste $1.50 on a pair of underwear who really cares. It is worth not gagging as I swish swish.

Maggie and I started the process last Tuesday. I had to change a nasty diaper that morning and just decided that I had had enough. She was two at the end of November and I figured she could handle it. Also, our next baby will be born this summer and I wanted to make sure we weren't doing this anywhere near that time. So far so good. We have only thrown away one pair of panties and she hasn't had an accident in three days. :) Three nights ago she told me she didn't want to wear a diaper to bed and she has been dry the last three mornings. Am I the luckiest or what? I hear horror stories from my friends and I have to say I am so glad that we haven't had those problems. 

So, I am sorry to those of you who struggle with this whole thing (but maybe you don't have permanent marker on you new piano). I am going to have to remember to be thankful for this in my prayers. 


Bridget said...

Way to go, Maggie!!!

ChellaJ [Rachelle] said...

Congrat's on the new baby and potty training. Both are very exciting.

Marci and Morgan said...

That IS awesome- you're a lucky Mommy! I have been meaning to ask a HUNDRED times how your pregnancy was going- no one had mentioned it for awhile and I kept forgetting! congratulations!!! I love mini-Teeples!

Sonia said...

Isn't it awesome . . . I'm still giddy about how easy it was with Sassy and it's been over a month!!! Congrats to both you and Maggie!!!