Friday, September 4, 2009

Four Weeks

It seems impossible that Will is four weeks old. The time has flown by, yet some moments have stood still. I am more in love with him every day. And can't believe that we ever considered our family complete without him. I am trying to enjoy and appreciate every moment of his babyhood. Even the every other hour feedings some nights. I know it won't last and he will grow up, so I want to hold him as much as possible while he is still so small.

He is getting more alert with every day and has started to grasp my shirt while he nurses or lays on my shoulder. If I lay him on the bed, he cranks his head toward the window to look out. He will take a pacifier every once in a while. He definitely doesn't like it as much as his siblings did. He is very grunty, his cradle is now in the loft so that I can sleep at night and only hear his louder grunts. He doesn't cry very much and when he does, it isn't very loud. It's more like a complaint than a cry. Every so often I think he is actually smiling and not just gassy. I can see a glimpse of what his grin will look like. He loves to be held...and I am so glad.


Erin said...

Wow, 4 weeks went fast! He is so darn cute! I love his skinny little legs. You are right, they get big too fast! Hopefully 4 kids is getting easier everyday.

Stacy said...

You have been through a lot lately and I have been way out of the loop. First congratulations on a beautiful baby boy, and second I hope you are feeling much better. Your family has grown nicely.